1.1. GPIO output - Lamp LED

This demo is based on the output mode of GPIO.

1.1.1. Hardware Connection

This demo is based on BL706_IOT and the connection method is as follows

   GPIO function         GPIO pin
    D0      <-->     GPIO22
    D1      <-->     GPIO29
    D2      <-->     GPIO30
    D3      <-->     GPIO31

1.1.2. Software Implementation

  • See examples/gpio/gpio_blink for the software code

1gpio_set_mode(GPIO_PIN_22, GPIO_OUTPUT_PP_MODE);
2gpio_set_mode(GPIO_PIN_29, GPIO_OUTPUT_PP_MODE);
3gpio_set_mode(GPIO_PIN_30, GPIO_OUTPUT_PP_MODE);
4gpio_set_mode(GPIO_PIN_31, GPIO_OUTPUT_PP_MODE);
  • Use the above code to configure GPIO22 GPIO29 GPIO30 GPIO31 to output pull-up mode.

1gpio_write(GPIO_PIN_22, 0);
  • Use the above code to modify the output level value.

1.1.3. Compile and Program

1 $ cd <sdk_path>/bl_mcu_sdk
2 $ make BOARD=bl706_iot APP=gpio_blink

1.1.4. Experimental Phenomena

Video display: